I've Moved!

Hello wayward traveler - I thank you for visiting my blog.

I have recently moved to Wordpress, so I'll be slowly phasing my 'Blogger' blog out. If you've enjoyed my work and would like to keep seeing it, please go to simonaustinpoetry.wordpress.com and you can continue following me and my poetry.

I look forward to seeing you there :)


I've Moved!

Hello wayward traveler - I thank you for visiting my blog.

I have recently moved to Wordpress, so I'll be slowly phasing my 'Blogger' blog out. If you've enjoyed my work and would like to keep seeing it, please go to simonaustinpoetry.wordpress.com and you can continue following me and my poetry.

I look forward to seeing you there :)


Saturday, 30 April 2011

Am I the Fool?

Am I the fool?
Am I the joke?
When all around do warn and curse
When you so cruel
And open choke
Neglected love sent home by hearse

An empty void
Your heart, black tarred
That poisons all that come too close
Emotions toyed
And passions scarred
All suffer from your deadly dose

You care not who
You cause such pain
As long as short term urges pleased
And here I to
Do wait in vain
Unwilling, I am slowly seized

At first you stole
That which I longed
To take into my own embrace
As black as coal
Your heart prolonged
To capture that which I did chase

But boredom set
And want no more
The one you took away from me
And like a pet
Once cuteness thaws
You cast my one into the sea

You change your tact
And see me as the challenge new
But yet I see
This selfish act
And cast a frozen shoulder to

I stand alone
My arm surpassed
As all around close friends applaud
A heart of stone
Yet set in glass
Shows but this stubborn heart, a fraud

There’s something there
I can’t avoid
These feelings stir inside of me
I do not dare
Jump in this void
For no escape here can I see

So back away
And let me go
There’s nothing more that we can do
What can I say?
All this you know
You go your way and I shall to.

Copyright © 2011 by Simon Austin 

Tuesday, 26 April 2011


Do not look to the stars.
Truth favours no man who searches the past
For answers.

Copyright © 2011 by Simon Austin 

Monday, 25 April 2011

The Addict

It’s only one more
What harm will it do?
If you really loved me like I do with you
Then you’d let me just have it, no fussing or fighting,
Not sitting here giving me daggers, me lightning
And watching me suffer; I’ll make this the last,
I promise from this day forward I’ll fast
I’ll become a new man; just you wait and see,
But for now will you not be a bastard to me
And just hand it on over; I’ll not ask again,
I’ll open these wrists; how will you feel then?
When I’m lying here dead, my blood on the floor,
Knowing you could have done so much more,
But chose not to bother, for what? Bit daft really
It seems like you over exaggerate, clearly!
It’s you with the problem, see me, I’m just fine,
I don’t touch the vodka or wash down the wine,
My only addiction, a small thing at best,
See look, I’m getting it all off my chest,
I’m already improving, it’s just as you said,
Now let’s put this whole sorry chapter to bed,
And just give me that thing that I need the most,
If you don’t, then just consider me a ghost,
I’ll disappear, and you’ll not see me for dust,
I will find it somewhere, in that you can trust,
You think it’s so hard, so keep it, my love,
And see if I care, I’ll soon rise above
But for now let’s not fight, I love you my darling,
I don’t want to sit here bitching and snarling,
I’ll do you a deal, it’s a good one, you’ll see
Now how about after I’ve counted to three,
You let me just have it and then it is done,
And on this occassion we'll accept that you've won,
No more will be said; we’ll leave it behind,
Now stop being difficult, give me what’s mine.
Or I’ll leave you I swear; you can go rot in hell,
There’s plenty more fish in the sea, can’t you tell?
In fact, what’s the point, how dare you do this!
I am the victim, a point you have missed?
Regardless, irrelevant; man I feel sick,
Please help me baby, or i'll slip away quick
You can still save me; you know what to do,
Just give me the fucking pill!

...Make that two.

Copyright © 2011 by Simon Austin

Friday, 22 April 2011

At Water's Edge

She played with sticks at water’s edge,
When the moon was young and bright.
Her sullen face and matted hair,
For none had ever seemed to care
And often cast her out of sight.

You’d find her here at summer’s heat
Or in the grasp of winters chill,
Her company, the river deep
In which she’d often stare and weep
And wish upon the waters, still.

A painful child, a lonely soul,
She’d wander down beyond the trees
And often thought of jumping in,
To join the river in its swim
And out to meet the roaring seas.

Then one day true, the river rose
And snatched the girl upon the bank,
Where, dragged her to river bed
There on her body creatures fed
And on her misery they drank.

But no one went to find the girl,
The world forgot her, time removed her,
And at the ageing of the moon,
The river dug her only tomb;
An effortless eraser.

So should you stumble on the place,
Where once the haunted girl did weep,
You hear her still on darker nights,
Her shadow cast in starry lights;
Forever wailing in the deep.

Copyright © 2011 by Simon Austin

Sunday, 10 April 2011

The Reaper

You’re early.
I wasn't expecting you so soon.
Could you come back later?
Didn’t think so.
I’ll get my coat....

Copyright © 2011 by Simon Austin

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Giants of the Earth

Giants of the Earth, in ancient air,
Watch silently as earthly rumbles deep,
And as the world below drifts off to sleep,
A ghostly peak, refreshed beyond the glare.

Beauty in the vast, unparalleled,
Iridescent on one side of two,
Overcoat, to cast off; overdue,
Tremble underneath where others dwelled.

Tyrants roam, to crumble at their feet,
Crushed, reanimated in the well.
Deepest floors promote above the swell,
To join their brothers in a higher seat.

Born of the inferno, ash to earth,
Rises up to split the world apart,
Illicit in the breaching of His art;
Eventually accepted in His mirth.

Spherical, in rupture; oh the scars!
Forces, darkened, unable to tame,
Ironically those which born of flame,
Inexorably die among the stars.

Copyright © 2011 by Simon Austin