I've Moved!

Hello wayward traveler - I thank you for visiting my blog.

I have recently moved to Wordpress, so I'll be slowly phasing my 'Blogger' blog out. If you've enjoyed my work and would like to keep seeing it, please go to simonaustinpoetry.wordpress.com and you can continue following me and my poetry.

I look forward to seeing you there :)


I've Moved!

Hello wayward traveler - I thank you for visiting my blog.

I have recently moved to Wordpress, so I'll be slowly phasing my 'Blogger' blog out. If you've enjoyed my work and would like to keep seeing it, please go to simonaustinpoetry.wordpress.com and you can continue following me and my poetry.

I look forward to seeing you there :)


Tuesday, 26 July 2011


The breath had left her, not long ago.
Her face, pressed into the pillow
Drained black tears onto white linen.
Her fight had been lost; the long battle had ravaged her
And her iconic war paint scrawled ironic defeat in tracks
Down her pale skin onto paler sheets.

A motionless husk; as she lays there;
Her raven hair, unravelled from familiarity,
Falls delicately on her back,
Carefully caressing her cold shoulders;
Shielding her from the dawn of life from which now
She has withdrawn.

Soft silhouettes draped across pleated sails,
Her frail body, brittle and delicate, finally rested.
Tested beyond its limits, too high the cost
And too great the affliction.
Lost in the struggle of the addict
To the addiction.

And now her Palladian palace enshrines,
As the afternoon sun shines through gaps
In drawn blinds.
A silent room, ordered and decided,
Expects an arrival beyond the survival
Of the girl that had no more to lose.

In a time where spirits take spirits, she;
Three lifetimes lived in seven and twenty.
But here, at the very end in her empty home,
The girl that thought she was nothing,
Died for nothing,

Copyright © 2011 by Simon Austin 

Amy Jade Winehouse
1983 - 2011


Monday, 18 July 2011


The space you stare into is vast,
I can see behind your glass-like gaze, the maze revealed
Is twisted and infuriating, concealed within
An enigma, wrapped in a riddle
And shrouded in mystery.

You whistle Dixie as the seconds
Unravel into days, unconnected to the world
As you collapse through the motions of time.
To you; sublime.
But a lapse in your absence brings you back to me
Briefly. And as quick as you came you are gone
Once again as you fly away off with the fairies,
The prairies of your isolate mind unravel before you
As you travel amongst them in awe.
The wondrous heat of a sun that’s not there
Warms your skin, which is cooled
By the wind in your hair that you’re so sure is real,
But it’s not.
You’ve forgot what it’s like to exist in the place
Where your face is caressed;
Where your presence is blessed every day, must I say
Anymore how I love you and need you here with me?
Not off in a place where I cannot be with you
My darling, come back to me.

But you’re gone yet again as your eyes roll to white
And your sight is emblazoned with visions of heaven,
The rapture entices, the vices of life
Are dissolved in a sapphire ocean.
Admire it darling but do not forget that the waters are shallow
The jade fields lie fallow
And the radiant sky is as empty and frozen as night.
I cannot offer perfection
But here your reflection is as true as the day
Is the day.

So please bring me back into view
And let me gaze once more on you and see all the beauty of life
In your eyes. Liberate from the lies,
Let your head fall from clouds to my arms
And you’ll be my redeemer, come back to me, dreamer
To exist with me here once again.

Copyright © 2011 by Simon Austin 

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Why Make Man That Which Man Can Never Be?

Why make man that which man can never be?
Why give him eyes to cast from misery?
Why give him ears to blot out cries of pain?
Why give him arms to fight for selfish gain?
Why give him hands to build a tool of death?
Why give him legs to crush a final breath?
Why give him feet to run from those that crawl?
Why give him strength to build a higher wall?
Why give him speech to whisper wicked lies?
Why give him thoughts to overthrow the wise?
Why give him love to batter and abuse?
Why give him hope to arrogantly lose?
Why give him light when darkness he will seek?
Why give him peace when havoc he will wreak?
Why give him warmth when frost will chill his soul?
Why give him freedom when he seeks control?
Why give him choice when errors he will make?
Why give him truth to falsify and fake?
Why give him earth when fires he will burn?
Why give him sea to pollute in return?
Why give him power to bend and corrupt?
Why give him skill to make atoms erupt?
Why give him courage when ensnared in fear?
Why give him life when death is ever near?

Why make man that which man can never be?
When man alone can change his destiny....

Copyright © 2011 by Simon Austin