I've Moved!

Hello wayward traveler - I thank you for visiting my blog.

I have recently moved to Wordpress, so I'll be slowly phasing my 'Blogger' blog out. If you've enjoyed my work and would like to keep seeing it, please go to simonaustinpoetry.wordpress.com and you can continue following me and my poetry.

I look forward to seeing you there :)


I've Moved!

Hello wayward traveler - I thank you for visiting my blog.

I have recently moved to Wordpress, so I'll be slowly phasing my 'Blogger' blog out. If you've enjoyed my work and would like to keep seeing it, please go to simonaustinpoetry.wordpress.com and you can continue following me and my poetry.

I look forward to seeing you there :)


Tuesday, 15 March 2011

My Mona Lisa Lover

I glance up over cobbled stones, appreciate your golden tones.
Your eyes are closed; a smile appears to make the Mona Lisa sneer.
The sun beams brightly on your face, the sea applauds as wind gives chase
And ruffles softly through your hair; your looks and charm a deadly snare
That has me caught, I can’t escape, no flying rug or magic cape
Can free me from these prison bars, so still I linger from afar.
For having you comes at a price and yet I long to roll the dice,
To take the chance and make you mine. Is it a punishable crime
To fall in love and be a lover with one that seems to love another?

I do not care; I will persist, in you I’ll find my happiness,
Abundant as the sun that shines upon your sculpted body lines.
So lie there blissfully unaware of what ahead lies in wait there,
An evil plot, I’ve worked the sums for it soon around the corner comes.
To sever bonds and form another… not long, my Mona Lisa lover.

Copyright © 2011 by Simon Austin

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