I've Moved!

Hello wayward traveler - I thank you for visiting my blog.

I have recently moved to Wordpress, so I'll be slowly phasing my 'Blogger' blog out. If you've enjoyed my work and would like to keep seeing it, please go to simonaustinpoetry.wordpress.com and you can continue following me and my poetry.

I look forward to seeing you there :)


I've Moved!

Hello wayward traveler - I thank you for visiting my blog.

I have recently moved to Wordpress, so I'll be slowly phasing my 'Blogger' blog out. If you've enjoyed my work and would like to keep seeing it, please go to simonaustinpoetry.wordpress.com and you can continue following me and my poetry.

I look forward to seeing you there :)


Saturday, 24 December 2011


A frozen dawn crackles into view
Cottoned concrete, new and flawless
Lays ready for the impression;
For the session to begin.
Footprints puncture the pristine powder
As the march of families reveal familiar paths

Soon enough, they gather around sparkling trees
Propped on their knees, thankful for the company
And grateful for those that can join them
This Christmas day.
Spiced apples dance in the soupy air
Fair smells of roasting foods entertains the senses
As the sharing commences amidst happy chatter
The clatter replaced by the rustling
Of silvery sheets, sparkling
Against the crackling firelight
A wonderful sight, adorned with smiles
As the paper shreds in chaotic joy
And piles up in quiet corners
Into marbled alloys

The merriment drifts across sleepy towns
As crystals, sparkled with champagne beads
Greet to the sounds of laughter and cheer
A feast of no equal is polished
The sequel of which will repeat for days
Whilst the haze of the wine
After much time turns words
Into the most mirthful of mischief.

Witness the wonder of this time spent together
In company of those that we love
And remembering those that are no longer with us
That were lost in the year soon to pass
But we’re thankful for the time we still have to share
Under the remembrance air of the past
To wish all that I love a magical day
And a very merry Christmas.

Copyright © 2011 by Simon Austin

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Under the Shadow of Grief

Weight of the earth in thick rock and sorrow
Wish for release from regretful tomorrow
Burden the past as it blisters the brain
Force back the torment and choke on the pain

Weeks roll in seconds through forgotten time
Meaningless chatter within purposeless rhyme
Drifting in masses but walking with ghosts
Swimming the oceans but drowning at coasts

Clouded in judgements whilst clear in denials
Begging for inches then giving up miles
Facing blank walls when staring through spaces
Insincere pity from false smiling faces

Absence of feeling and sick of existence
Happiness muted through tortured persistence
Eyes full of rivers with hearts full of frost
And a world full of strangers in a paradise lost

Copyright © 2011 by Simon Austin 

Saturday, 10 December 2011


Mist of midnight frost on shards of glass,
Peppered snow at rest on rigid grass,
Wind is still but whispers sleeted breaths,
Threatened creatures sleep in frosted deaths.

Frozen branches drop their tears for art,
As fashioned moonbeams split the world apart.

Air is thick with fog, heavy and blue,
Ground of steel is crowned with icy dew,
Crystal flakes descend at leisure’s pace,
Dusting whispered powder about face.

Hazy lights are bled of upper zones,
Noise distorts to ghostly baritones.

Man-made stars blink hard in absence heat,
Natural flows buckle in jagged pleat,
Roaring coals crack hard amongst the pyre,
Roasted bricks irradiate the fire.

Plated sheets of black coat corners new,
Splitting asphalt rocks at once in two.

Purple lights loom high above; surreal,
Endless twilight bleeds the ethereal,
Objects brought to life solidify,
Underneath an obsidian sky.

Sunlight glances, cuts the brume to splinter,
As life accepts the thick blanket of winter.

Copyright © 2011 by Simon Austin 

Saturday, 3 December 2011

The Titan

Too late, Titan lost
Touch the diamonds of the north
Fill her chest
Soak her lungs
See her drown to the ripening
Of stars
Body and soul deep in the water
Gliding softly at first
But the strength of the sea
Takes her slowly
Then quickly
As the mirror of night
Drags the willing
To die
And a sky
Full of sapphires
Gazes down on those left without hope
Hear them choke
On the crystals
Of god
The bed welcomes
Whilst above, hopelessly
Those that struggle to breathe
Do so slowly
The queen of the waves
Regretfully saves 
And bows her head
In acceptance
Regret at once
That a man
Who is full of the strength
To have all
Sent the irons of earth to the oceans
With but ignorance in tow
See the spirit of death
Rub his hands
Without passion
And pull in those lost
In a most desperate

Copyright © 2011 by Simon Austin