I've Moved!

Hello wayward traveler - I thank you for visiting my blog.

I have recently moved to Wordpress, so I'll be slowly phasing my 'Blogger' blog out. If you've enjoyed my work and would like to keep seeing it, please go to simonaustinpoetry.wordpress.com and you can continue following me and my poetry.

I look forward to seeing you there :)


I've Moved!

Hello wayward traveler - I thank you for visiting my blog.

I have recently moved to Wordpress, so I'll be slowly phasing my 'Blogger' blog out. If you've enjoyed my work and would like to keep seeing it, please go to simonaustinpoetry.wordpress.com and you can continue following me and my poetry.

I look forward to seeing you there :)


Saturday, 10 December 2011


Mist of midnight frost on shards of glass,
Peppered snow at rest on rigid grass,
Wind is still but whispers sleeted breaths,
Threatened creatures sleep in frosted deaths.

Frozen branches drop their tears for art,
As fashioned moonbeams split the world apart.

Air is thick with fog, heavy and blue,
Ground of steel is crowned with icy dew,
Crystal flakes descend at leisure’s pace,
Dusting whispered powder about face.

Hazy lights are bled of upper zones,
Noise distorts to ghostly baritones.

Man-made stars blink hard in absence heat,
Natural flows buckle in jagged pleat,
Roaring coals crack hard amongst the pyre,
Roasted bricks irradiate the fire.

Plated sheets of black coat corners new,
Splitting asphalt rocks at once in two.

Purple lights loom high above; surreal,
Endless twilight bleeds the ethereal,
Objects brought to life solidify,
Underneath an obsidian sky.

Sunlight glances, cuts the brume to splinter,
As life accepts the thick blanket of winter.

Copyright © 2011 by Simon Austin 

1 comment:

  1. You have such a gift your poetry is beautiful each word so deep andmeaningful. Your last line stunning simon.
